Other Subjects

Physical Education​
Gr 7 outcomes/indicators
Gr 8 outcomes/indicators

Phys. Ed. is taught by me. and Mr. Simpson. Activities vary quite a bit throughout the year. Overall, the goals of Phys. Ed. are to improve overall fitness, encourage activities and collaborative participation and improve skills.

  • students are strongly encouraged to have a change of clothes for Phys. Ed. periods. Indoor footwear must be worn. These promote freedom of movement and help avoid bringing the gym back to the classroom.


Taught by Mrs. Zurevinski. Please reach out to her with French related questions.

Art Ed

The Art Ed strands are taught by Ms. Vanthuyne. Please contact her with Art Ed related questions.

​​Gr 8 outcomes/indicators

​​Current Theme - Dealing with Abuse USC 8.4

Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of violence (including but not limited to emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, spiritual abuse, and neglect) on the well-being of and the supports needed for self, family, and community.

Health Poster - duplicate of handout