Social Studies
Ministry of Education
Gr 7 Social Studies outcomes/indicators
Gr 8 Social Studies outcomes/indicators
NB, there are four themes to the SS program. Below you will find material on both Gr. 7 and 8. Please note, during the year, we will be mixing outcomes.
Social Studies for Gr. 7 and 8 is a mix of four broad themes. Activities are varied and include individual, pair and group arrangements. Assessments include a collection of research projects, formal writing assignments, presentations and tests. Gr. 7 and 8 SS has a particular focus on Pacific rim and northern rim countries. Throughout the material, First Nations content is integrated.
Interactions and Interdependence of Nations
Dynamic Relationships
Power and Authority
Resources and Wealth
Current Theme - Dynamic Relationships - human/environmental interaction
Human beings both have impact on and are impacted by the surrounding environment. Students are currently engaged in a short project that asks them to consider a Pacific or northern rim country in this context.
Project Handout - duplicate. A rough copy alternative was also handed out to support the research.
Submission Version - this is a fillable form. You can type directly into text boxes and print.