PAA/Career Ed

Career Ed
Gr 8 outcomes/indicators

Career Ed.​

This subject will be split between some general activities during the fall and a spring project in the spring. Look for details here.


Practical and Applied Arts is a generally integrated set of activities focused on skills that support or enhance learning. This year, I will focus on two broad categories.

  • Integration of technology. Students will learn how to use cloud storage for sharing and collaboration as well specific features of Microsoft tools including Word, PowerPoint and Excel. This school year, students will be required to produce polished written compositions using Word templates, deliver individual and group presentations using PowerPoint and build graphs using Excel. We may do some coding as well, time permitting. It teaches algorithmic thinking and it's actually quite fun. My hope is to improve mathematical thinking as a benefit.

  • Television production. This winter, all students will participate in the Telemedia program ultimately producing both an interview and television commercial at our studio. This current edition was produced by me for use by teachers in our division.

Typing Skills

Middle years students are looking to type at 45-50 wpm with 95% accuracy. These activities will help you develop skills.

  • go to

  • select tests and take the 3 minute test. Record your score on the shared document.

  • if you score below 40 wpm or less than 90% accuracy, go to the beginner lessons

  • If you score at or above 40 wpm and over 90%, go to the intermediate lessons

MS Word Activity

Creating a polished PowerPoint slideshow